We receive feedback about our products daily, but some of our customers' stories really stand out.
Here we share testimonials where we've made a real difference.
"I am very committed to Vegepa. Seven years ago I was diagnosed as a type two diabetic and – not surprisingly – with high blood pressure. I also ought to add I have undergone minor surgery to both knees, where the consultant suggested both were severely arthritic and I must be in pain.In relation to the diabetic condition I was put on metformin, statins and tablets for blood pressure. The statins gave me muscle cramps (I stopped taking them). I had read about the benefit of fish oils, including an article about Vegepa in a broadsheet paper and decided I would take it.
At my last diabetic check-up I was advised by the specialist nurse that my cholesterol was excellent (something like 4.2, with the bad [LDL] being less than 2) and the good type [HDL] obviously making up the balance. My blood pressure was also described as excellent. My joints certainly do not ache like they used to and generally I have noticed a vast improvement in my mobility and I can only put this down to the Vegepa, plus of course my improved lifestyle. My wife recently has also been diagnosed with high cholesterol (6.0) and started taking Vegepa. I will be interested to see if this brings any benefits to her.In conclusion – you may count me as a fan of your product. I am 62 and semi-retired working 3 days per week."
Duncan Evans
"After taking MindCare BALANCE for several months, I felt more resilient to stress and anxiety and i seemed to have more energy than when i was taking Vegepa to help with CFS/ME symptoms.”Mindcare balance also seemed to help delay the onset of physical and mental fatigue and muscle pain due to CFS/ME. I felt more alert and less exhausted while taking the supplement. This was the case even when working long and physically and mentally demanding days without enough sleep, which would hitherto have had a debilitating effect.Having stopped taking MindCare BALANCE, I suffered a period of intense low mood. While correlation may not imply causation (it was January after all!) I believe it may have helped to keep winter blues at bay until i stopped taking it having exhausted my supply.Great to know that the product is made from sustainably sourced fish”.Laurie has now been taking MindCare BALANCE for three months and continues to see improvements in his condition."
Laurie Walmsley
"I feel ‘normal’. That is the best way to describe it. Normal, and strong; strong enough to look after my family the way I want to. It’s wonderful!”
These are the words of 34-year old Louise, who has suffered with PMT for a large part of her adult life. Pharmepa RESTORE has given her the lifeline she was so desperately seeking.Having tried off-the-shelf fish oils in the past in a bid to avoid taking prescribed antidepressants, Louise found that nothing brought her back to a stable place long enough to feel ‘fully-functioning’.
“I am generally upbeat, but I would have periods of real lows. Mood swings, anxiety and just generally being really ratty, which wasn’t fair on my son, or husband.”Louise’s husband has suffered with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder since leaving the army, and although he is treating his condition successfully, her naturally caring nature means that Louise has longed to be strong enough to support him constantly throughout his journey.
An independent woman who thrives on being busy, Louise hasn’t let her condition stand in her way. She works three days a week as a PA, runs a cleaning company and also sings in a band.However, the turning point came for Louise following the birth of their son five years ago, and getting a formal diagnosis of postnatal depression.“I didn’t want to take antidepressants, but I also didn’t want to miss that precious time with my new son. I took them for about six months and came off them no problem.”
A few months ago, Louise started to experience new symptoms that caused her concern, and ultimately moved her to explore a fresh solution.“I got onto ‘Google’ and started searching for something that could help me; something that wasn’t antidepressants! I found Pharmepa RESTORE and read that it was one of the purest and highest doses I could take without medical intervention. I have to say that the live chat function on the Igennus website was so helpful, allowing me to ask questions around dosage and symptoms.“Within a couple of weeks I felt what I can only describe as ‘normal’. I wasn’t getting down days, my mood swings were under control and my PMT was so much better.”