
Popular for: giving strength to skin, hair & nails, bones, tendons, and blood vessels

The modern diet is largely devoid of collagen due to reduced consumption of collagen-rich cuts of meat, and increasing numbers of people consuming plant-based diets. Igennus offer two collagen options. Grass-fed bovine collagen hydrolysate, agglomerated for easy mixing, and Vegan Pro-Collagen – a true alternative to animal-derived collagen.

Advanced Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides

Astapure Astaxanthin Complex

Ethically sourced, grass-fed collagen. Agglomerated for easy mixing & neutral taste.

Advanced Vegan Pro-Collagen

Vegan Collagen

The first of its kind to offer a true plant-based collagen alternative, providing a complete nutritional package for collagen production in those following a plant-based diet. Now available with a hint of vanilla; select flavour on product page.

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Further reading from the nutrition blog