speaker: Dr nina bailey
date: december 13, 2016
Nutrition science seems to change on an almost daily basis and much of what was previously considered mainstream or consensus science is being challenged and changed as the new wave of more personalised intervention trials start to clarify many of the reasons behind why nutrition study results can be so conflicting.
No research area, it seems, is more subject to conflicting and confusing results than that of omega-3s which is why, here at Igennus, we do our best to stay on top of ALL the omega-3 research so we can not only help you unpick the fact from fiction (and answer all your questions about every single product on the market!), but also ensure our formulations and education reflect the most cutting edge and clinically proven ingredient research.
Dr Bailey’s ever-growing brain contains a veritable treasure chest of omega-3 knowledge and as we know you are big fans of the work she does, this webinar is dedicated to Dr Bailey’s brain and sharing with you all the latest updates, innovations and applied therapeutic research that she has been reading about over the last year. We aim to help you separate fish oil fact from fiction by answering as many of your omega-3 and fatty acid therapeutic-related questions as possible. Covering everything from which and how much omega-3 to take for certain conditions, how and when taking omega-3 can affect the benefit and amount absorbed, why very high doses can be dangerous, the truth behind what companies and headlines are telling you about omega-3s, to any other areas you asked us to cover! We will do our best to cover the most common and important questions and concerns we hear about from you via phone or email and when out and about training in stores and at events every day. As always, we will also clarify some of the reasons behind the frustratingly confusing conflicts in the research and media and what exciting things are coming out of the omega-3 world.
Omega-3s are a cornerstone of human health so watch this fun, live Q and A-style event to help you sift fiction from fact so you can be confident you can select what’s best for your clients and why.