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speaker: Dr nina bailey

date: April 4, 2019

Around 250,000 people in the UK are currently thought to be affected by CFS/ME. The high level of disability that is often associated with this debilitating condition can be both physically and mentally challenging for patients and appears to stem from a combination of symptoms such as fatigue, pain, sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment, depression and, in many cases, symptoms mirroring those of irritable bowel syndrome.

With no current cure and no validated, universally accepted, ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to the treatment, many clients are seeking natural alternatives to conventional approaches. 

Taking a personalised and functional medicine approach, Dr Nina Bailey reviews the latest science on ME/CFS and the underlying mechanisms that can be targeted with nutritional interventions and explains how to ensure your therapeutic approach is right for your clients.

Covered in the webinar: 

  • CFS/ME background /causes/symptoms
  • Update on the mechanisms associated with CFS/ME

  1. Immune disturbances
  2. Oxidative stress and inflammation
  3. The kynurenine pathway and neurotransmitter dysregulation
  4. Mitochondrial dysfunction and related mechanisms

  • Methylation
  • Detoxification
  • Glycolysis
  • Citric acid cycle/Krebs
  • Oxidative phosphorylation

  • An overview of current treatment options
  • Nutritional intervention – an evidence-based approach
  • Nutritional supplementation

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