speaker: Dr nina bailey
date: june 27, 2017
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder, thought to affect between 4%–8% of women of reproductive age. Due to a lack of awareness, and the dramatic variation in the signs and symptoms between individuals, a large number of women may have PCOS without being at all aware of it. Unless help is sought for common symptoms (including oily skin and recurring acne; irregular, infrequent or absent periods; excess facial and body hair growth; head hair loss or thinning; weight gain) a formal diagnosis may never be made and issues can persist unmanaged until menopause. PCOS is most commonly diagnosed in women hoping to become pregnant, but who experience fertility issues as a result of irregular ovulation or miscarriage. In this webinar, Dr Nina Bailey PhD outlines the key mechanisms in the pathophysiology of PCOS, the signs and symptoms that should trigger further investigation, and the key nutritional strategies that can be adopted to help women manage the condition.